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Car pollution near schools big worry for children, survey finds

Almost two-thirds of London schoolchildren are worried about air pollution near their school – an increase of 11 per cent since a similar survey was conducted in 2018.

YouGov’s survey found ¾ of children are worried about climate change and pollution

A YouGov poll, commissioned by the walking and cycling charity, Sustrans, surveyed 1,305 pupils aged from 6 to 15 years old across the UK, of which 180 were in London. They were asked about their attitudes towards air pollution and the climate crisis. They were also asked about and the actions they think should be taken to help reduce the impact of poor air quality and climate change.

Of those surveyed in London, 63 per cent said adults are not doing enough to tackle climate change. This is in line with the national findings.

More than three-quarters – 76 per cent – of the children admitted to feeling worried about climate change, and 61 per cent thought that adults don’t listen to children’s concerns about the topic.

The survey also found:

More than half the children surveyed said there are too many cars near their schools

“The results of this survey highlight the responsibility we have to create a healthier, greener and fairer society for the generation coming after us,” said James Austin, Sustrans’ London director.

“For those who tend to drive their children to schools, it’s worth remembering that swapping all or part of their everyday journeys to active modes of travel can help cut dangerous levels of air pollution in our towns and cities.

“We are calling on the new Mayor of London to make walking, wheeling and cycling more inclusive by empowering a million more Londoners with the skills and resources to cycle regularly.

“We know that many more Londoners have started walking and cycling more during lockdown. Let’s help them continue to travel more actively as life slowly gets back to normal.”

The survey has been released to mark the start of this year’s Big Pedal, Britain’s largest inter-school active travel competition.

Held annually by Sustrans, this year’s challenge will see more than half a million children walk, cycle, scoot and wheel their journeys to and from school.

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