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African Child Trust art exhibition, Norwood School, Feb 27

African Child Trust – ACT – is a UK-registered charity, based in Croydon, which works in Africa to relieve poverty and advance development through the education of disadvantaged children and the empowerment of widows.

ACT operates across eight African countries: Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria. They have provided more than 5,000 children with either full scholarships or welfare support to buy necessary school equipment, such as book and uniforms. They have also helped more than 1,000 widows by providing them with income support or entrepreneurial training which has enabled them to generate their own sustainable income. Alongside all this, ACT runs regular projects that benefit whole communities across Africa.

The ACT Charity Art Exhibition on Wednesday February 27 at The Norwood School comes from ACT’s Youth Idea initiative.

Youth Idea aims to provide International Development Experience and Awareness (IDEA)  by engaging their interest in the work ACT does. The art produced by pupils across years 7-9 is their interpretation of this work and what it means to them.

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