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Unconnected Croydon: street party prompts rushed road works

Just a few hours before the so-called “Connected Croydon” PR stunt that is spending cash from the riot recovery fund to celebrate the opening of the £22 million pedestrian Bridge to Nowhere at East Croydon Station, and workmen were working frantically on Lansdowne Road, laying temporary tarmac.

Is this really the best use of public money by Croydon Council when some people who lost their businesses and homes in 2011 still await compensation?

Inside Croydon’s trainee, DANNIE LIEBOVITZ provides this photo-gallery

Lansdowne Road looked far from ready to celebrate much at all this morning

Does this look like a party venue to you?

Plenty of tripping hazards for pedestrians with this hurried piece of work ahead of tonight’s “party”

Can they get the work completed before the party, or the forecasted winter storm?

Maybe florid-faced Mike Fisher, the leader of Croydon Council, together with his well-rewarded PR spinners Grey Label and the rest of the Glee Club should take a leaf from Bernard Cribbins’ book, and when in a hole, stop digging…

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