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316 people want your votes: election candidates declared

May  22’s local elections in Croydon will be a five-party battle, with the Conservatives, who have controlled the Town Hall since 2006, up against challengers from Labour, the LibDems, Greens and UKIP across the borough.

The nominations lists were published this morning by Croydon’s returning officer, Nathan Elvery – who has a handy little sideline also working as the council’s interim CEO – and they show that all five of the national parties have candidates in 22 of the borough’s 24 wards. Only in Fieldway and New Addington are there not LibDem candidates to complete the “set”.

You can view the names of the 316 candidates (listed by ward) who will be seeking your votes for one of the 70 places on the council by clicking here.

In most wards, electors get three votes and elect three councillors to the Town Hall; only in Fieldway and New Addington wards are there just two council seats contested.

The nationally beleagured Liberal Democrats, the only party other than the Tories or Labour to have had a councillor at Croydon Town Hall in recent times, will be delighted with themselves at having been able to field 46 candidates across the borough, four more than UKIP submitted, as the Greens have matched Labour and the Tories with a full slate.

In addition to the major parties, there is a smattering of independent candidates, one candidate in Norbury whose description box has been left empty (did they fail to get their party nomenclature in on time?), plus Communists, Trade Unionists and Socialists, and someone who is standing for “Putting Croydon First!” (the only use of an exclamation mark on the declaration forms).

There is also someone who says he is an NF candidate, but who the National Front won’t allow to describe himself as such and is therefore listed as an “independent” in Croham ward, plus the usual suspects from the BNP.

Indeed, anyone viewing the London candidate lists for the European Parliament elections, which are being held on the same day in May, may notice that three of the BNP’s capital-wide candidates come from Croydon.

The 2014 elections are notable as the first in Croydon in 20 years in which there will be no Official Monster Raving Loony Party Candidate. Perpetual loser John Loony has gone legit, and as John Cartwright defected to the Tories. But Cartwright has not been selected to stand in any of the borough’s wards by the Conservatives.

The European elections operate on a list basis, with candidates elected according to their party’s share of the vote. There is a pdf file available with the party lists for those elections by clicking here.

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