Help to support our genuine local and independent journalism

Inside Croydon has been producing agenda-setting, news-breaking journalism since 2010.

Just the unvarnished news, brought to you by a small team of dedicated, enthusiastic and inspired citizen reporters and photographers, edited by Steven Downes, an award-winning journalist with a lifetime’s experience of working in print, on television and online.

Through the council’s bankruptcy, the multiple scandals surrounding Brick by Brick and the Fairfield Halls, and the never-ending saga over the £1.4billion Westfield non-development, we like to think that we try to bring you the news that those in power would rather you didn’t know about – we have the High Court injunctions, successfully rebutted, to prove it.

But like everything, this daily public service, comes at a cost.

We have no paywall, and we don’t cut down any trees with which to publish a paper edition.

We rely on the generosity of our readers – YOU – to pay a modest monthly amount, or an annual fee, to help pay towards the costs of keeping Inside Croydon publishing.

You can sign up today as a supporter. Click here for more details

We use Patreon, a secure payments platform based in the United States. We chose this method simply because it offered the simplest way of coordinating and accounting for subscriptions, while keeping the data and money of our supporters secure.

From 2024, our fees are collected in good old British pounds – five of ’em per month now, which is still less than the price of a pint (of ale, rather than milk). We hope that this change in currency will help our readers and subscribers.

Since early 2023, as well as qualifying for money-saving offers, prize competitions and advance bookings for iC events, our subscribers have also been able to get exclusive, free access to premium content – our Under The Flyover interviews and Croydon Insider news podcasts.

Our guests on Under The Flyover have included cricketer Mark Butcher, actress Joanna Scanlan, author and local charity worker Jad Adams, and Bishop of Croydon Dr Rosemarie Mallett. While our guests on the Croydon Insider have been regular website contributors such as Andrew Fisher, Ken Towl and Donna Fraser, backed up with volunteers from among our subscribers, being given a chance to air their views.

All of these recordings are now available on our special Spotify page – but only after paying for access.

By taking out a subscription, you can be part of the growing team of contributors, helping to keep news-breaking, independent journalism alive and thriving and based in Croydon.

Now, more than ever, we believe it is a vital service.

Please sign up today as a supporter. Click here for more details

Inside Croydon is a founder member of the Independent Community News Network