Pick the movie you want to see at Stanley Halls Film Club

Stanley Halls Film ClubStanley Hall Film Club members have two chances to get involved in the running of the group over the next couple of weeks.

The Film Club says, “The first is for anyone who’d like to help out behind the scenes in planning, promoting or putting on the film club events. We’re an enthusiastic little group, but are always looking for fresh talent. Film knowledge or experience optional – just email us to get involved. The next committee meeting is Tuesday May 19.”

The second opportunity to have your say is with the choice for the final film in May.

“Thursday May 21 marks the end of our Classic Films season, and to celebrate we’re throwing the doors open to all of you. Send us suggestions for the classic film you would love to see at Stanley Halls cinema – the film will then be decided and announced this Thursday.”

Whatever movie is chosen, on May 21, doors will open at 7.30pm for drinks – there are Drunked Dairy ice creams and local ales and beers at the bar – and the features begin at 8pm. Tickets are free for members and no booking is needed.

Follow the Stanley Halls Film Club on Twitter @stanleyfilmclub

Or contact them with your movie suggestions or offers of help by email at filmclub@stanleyhalls.org.uk

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