Pop-up farm seeks new homes for 20,000 crocus corms

Planted, grown, flowered and harvested, these crocus corms now need to find good, permanent homes. Picture by Lee Townsend

Planted, grown, flowered and harvested, these crocus corms now need to find good, permanent homes. Picture by Lee Townsend

Ally McKinlay has got a few thousand crocus corms on his hands, and he needs your help to distribute them.

Saffron Central was the pop-up spice farm set-up on the site of Taberner House, next to Queen’s Gardens in central Croydon in the autumn. With 20,000 corms bought with £4,000 crowd-funded capital, McKinlay and a small army of keen volunteers has now harvested the saffron crop, and he needs to distribute the crocuses around the borough’s 24 wards.

The farm/building site (delete according to its use at the time) must be cleared in January, and McKinlay is staging a collection day on January 16.

“The priority is to share with community gardens and friends of parks,” he said. “We will then look to schools and other places of benefit to the local community.”

Please contact ally_mac22@hotmail.com if you’d like to take some plants and get further details.

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