Croydon MPs’ declarations of interest 2015: Gavin Barwell

MP Gavin Barwell speaking in parliament: but who does he represent there - his constituents or the Whitgift Foundation?

MP Gavin Barwell: generous top-up to his whip’s salary

Here’s the official December 2015 update of the declarations of interest for the MP for Croydon Central.

A grand total of:


Croydon’s Tory group on the council have stumped up £5,000 for Gav from their allowances. That’s Council Tax-payers’ money, being handed over to the Conservative MP to further his political career. Bet he never mentions that when complaining about the increase in Council Tax.

Among other donors, local Tamils have been very generous towards Gav. As has a company based in Newcastle and which specialises in kitting out offshore rigs. Wonder what a Tory Government whip has been doing for them?

And good to see Liverpool-supporting Gav, the man who single-handedly saved Crystal Palace FC, enjoyed a day out with his lad at Selhurst Park to see David Cameron’s favourite football team.

Register of internests Gavin Barwell Dec 2015 1Register of internests Gavin Barwell Dec 2015 2Register of internests Gavin Barwell Dec 2015 3

Click here for the declarations made by Steve Reed OBE

Click here for Chris Philp’s declarations for 2015

What politicians say and what they do

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6 Responses to Croydon MPs’ declarations of interest 2015: Gavin Barwell

  1. derekthrower says:

    Ah I see why he listens so well.

  2. farmersboy says:

    Funny how the man who saved Crystal Palace is only there as a guest of the FA and not a guest of the club. He probably doesn’t want them to make a fuss…

  3. How much did Sarah Jones receive to contest this seat? The man hours of Newman’s minions was huge, celebrity appearances, massive resources and yet she still lost what was possibly one of the most achievable seats New/Old/Co-Operative Labour could have/should have won.

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