‘Shambolic’ roll-out of Universal Credit sees food bank use soar

Food bank use across London increased by 23 per cent this year, a trend described as “appalling” by London Assembly Member Fiona Twycross, who blamed it on the “shambolic roll-out of Universal Credit”.

Demand for help from food banks is on the rise

Figures released by the Trussell Trust show 72,239 three-day emergency food supplies being handed out to Londoners between April and September, up by nearly one-quarter on the demand in the previous six-month period.

“It’s appalling to see such a significant increase in the number of families forced to depend on food banks to feed their families,” said Twycross, a London-wide Labour AM.

“Sadly, these figures are likely to be only the tip of the iceberg with many more independent food banks having been set up across the capital to meet demand.

“It has been clear for a long time that one of the main drivers of food poverty is the shambolic roll-out of Universal Credit, that has left thousands of Londoners in near-destitution whilst waiting for their first payment.

“We are now seeing food banks becoming a normal and entrenched part of our society, and this should seriously concern us all,” said Twycross, pictured left.

“To turn this dire situation around, we need the Government to stay true to their pledge and put an end to austerity, whilst applying the brakes on Universal Credit so it can be fixed before it can plunge anymore families into poverty.”

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