Croydon NHS Trust chief exec announces his retirement

John Goulston is to retire in September from his job as chief executive of Croydon Health Services NHS Trust, it was announced this morning.

John Goulston: to retire on September 30

Goulston has his 60th birthday this year, and has worked in the NHS for 32 years. He took on the CEO role at Croydon NHS Trust in May 2012 and, according to the press release issued by the Trust this morning, “has led a transformation of the Trust’s services during a period of unprecedented challenges for the NHS. This includes overseeing continued quality improvements and steering the Trust out of financial special measures”.

In the statement issued by the Trust, Goulston said, “I feel proud to have worked at Croydon Health Services. We have excellent and dedicated teams that care for people in our community, at Purley War Memorial Hospital and at Croydon University Hospital – they are a credit to our borough.

“We have transformed the Trust by listening to what our staff, patients and their families, and the communities that we serve. Most importantly, we have acted on what we heard. This must always continue.

“In the latest NHS staff survey, four out of five of our staff said they were happy with the quality of care we provide – which is above the national average. The latest published data also shows nine out of 10 people we have looked after as in-patients, out-patients, in the community and in our A&E and maternity departments, would recommend us to their friends and family.

“None of this would have been possible without a clear vision from the Trust’s leadership team and unwavering support for staff on the ground to deliver continued improvements in our care and performance.

“I look forward to hearing about the great things our staff and the Trust will achieve in the future – especially as we strengthen our partnerships with health and care organisations to provide even more seamless services in the borough.”

The Board and NHS Improvement will now seek to appoint a new Chief Executive at the Trust.

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3 Responses to Croydon NHS Trust chief exec announces his retirement

  1. Michael Webb says:

    Well, I suppose that is quite interesting! Medically Mayday excels, but ADMINSTRATIVELY they are a failure if my dealings with CARDIOLOGY are anything to go by. Letters from Mayday spend weeks in INDIA being typed (Typically in excess of 4) and then spend up to two weeks back in the UK while the are checked, rechecked and amended before dispatch! Mayday has sought to rectify this by the use of something they call DOTPOST, or is it DOTMAIL or is it something else, but what is the staff even unaware of its existence and don’t use it, despite letters to us, as patients, asking us to sign up to this new and improved form of communication. Official complaints go without proper answers and the person said to be in charge of this new experiment has no answer phone so leaving messages when he is not at his desk (ever it seems) is impossible. A week ago I was offered a meeting to discuss my complaints, but nobody seems able to fix a date.
    Am example of how easy electronic means could be used is a recent need for a review of my medication. The Heart failure nurse phoned me, we discussed the problem, and medication was advised, followed by a blood test. Within a few minutes I had the blood chit needed – JOB DONE!
    Considerable hospital time saved, thuds money saved.

  2. Lewis White says:

    I have not been an in-patient at Croydon University Hospital, but whenever I attend as an out-patient (including heart rehab gym sessions), I have been completely happy with my treatment.

    Also, when walking around, I get “good vibes” from the general welcome and ambience, cleaning etc.

    I never really knew the old “Mayday” in depth, but believe that it has improved much over recent years, and am happy with my own experiences to date.

    Clearly, major investment is needed to modernise some remaining areas of the hospital, but that is a product of future funding

    If this Chief Exec. has brought about beneficial changes, which I think he has, then good on him.

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