Legacy Youth Zone boosted by £150,000 pledge from patron

Legacy Youth Zone has had to adapt how its staff operate during the coronavirus lockdown

Ruskin Square has increased its donation to Croydon’s Legacy Youth Zone by £50,000 a year over the next three years.

Ruskin Square is the mixed-used development at East Croydon, developed by Stanhope and Schroders. They were one of the “Founder Patrons” of the Legacy Youth Zone on Whitehorse Road when it opened last year. Between them, the Youth Zone’s patrons provide half the centre’s annual running costs.

The centre has been closed since the coronavirus lockdown began, with staff and some volunteers offering online activities, as well as providing some aid to the local community. Ruskin Square’s increased donation will be a huge help in making up for the lost income during the covid-19 emergency.

“Legacy Youth Zone’s objectives are closely aligned with our own aspirations for Croydon and we hope that through continued investment from ourselves and other businesses that it can continue to provide exciting new opportunities for young people in the town,” said Jessica Berney of Schroders.

“We are extremely delighted that Ruskin Square have made the decision to continue supporting us in Croydon to further grow and develop Legacy, especially during this difficult time,” said Barnabas Shelbourne of Legacy Youth Zone.

The Ruskin Square development was among the Legacy’s first Founder Patrons

Legacy Youth Zone is a £6.5million purpose-built youth facility, which in normal times provided members with access to an indoor climbing wall, sports hall, gym, an arts studio, music room and recording studio, training kitchen, a 3G pitch, and a dance and drama studio.

“Community support has been at the top of Legacy Youth Zone’s agenda since the government announced measures in its fight against the covid-19 pandemic,” a spokesperson for the centre said today.

Legacy staff have provided more than 2,000 to local families, and have also been busy creating engaging online content for their members, delivering activity resources, online gaming, competitions, challenges and quizzes, in addition to making one-on-one calls to members to check on their well-being.

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1 Response to Legacy Youth Zone boosted by £150,000 pledge from patron

  1. Lewis White says:

    Fantastic, to see another business investing in the future of Croydon young people. Thank you, Ruskin Square!

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