Campbell scoops special award for 20 years’ service in Purley

In amongst the flummery and inconsequential ceremonials of the council’s annual meeting at the Town Hall on Wednesday, there was, at least, one presentation that has some merit.

Swept to success: Calvin Campbell (left) receives his certificate from Cllr Tony Pearson

Purley town centre’s regular road sweeper for the past 20 years, Calvin Campbell, received a long-service award.

Described as “a cornerstone of the Purley community for two decades”, Campbell was praised for his “dedication and exceptional service” and for setting “a gold standard for public service”.

Catherine Garrad, from Purley Business Improvement District, nominated Campbell for the Award.

“Calvin’s presence in Purley is more than just about keeping our streets clean,” she said. “He embodies the community spirit and values we cherish. His friendly manner and professionalism have made him not just a fixture of our daily lives but also a beacon of dedication and community spirit. We are incredibly proud to have Calvin as part of our community.”

Campbell said: “It’s been a privilege to serve this community. Seeing the results of my work every day is rewarding, and knowing I’m making a real difference is what has kept me motivated over these two decades.

“I’m honoured to receive this recognition and will continue to serve with the same passion and dedication.”


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