I might have been murdered, claims Croydon MP Ottaway

“Sir” Tricky Dicky Ottaway, the absentee Tory MP “for” Croydon South, says he is afraid of being murdered in his own office, following an incident at his office in Purley on Friday which saw him call out the police when fewer than a dozen of his own constituents turned up to attend his regular monthly constituency surgery.

Croydon South's stayway MP Richard Ottaway: won't listen to his constituents

Croydon South’s stayway MP Richard Ottaway: won’t listen to his constituents

The constituents who wanted to lobby their own MP as their representative to parliament included one 81-year-old woman OAP and comprised several people in their 50s. One of them said that they felt “quite intimidated” by Ottaway’s manner that evening.

“If you want to have a surgery, you make an appointment,” Ottaway, one of parliament’s most notorious MPs’ expenses claimants, yesterday told a local free paper which was following up a report which first appeared on Inside Croydon. Read our original report here.

Earlier this month, “Sir” Tricky Dicky used the national media to criticise the police over their handling of the Plebgate case. Ottaway is an old friend of Andrew Mitchell, the former Conservative chief whip who was forced to resign when he was accused of calling police on security duty in Downing Street “plebs”.

“Sir” Tricky Dicky holds one constituency surgery at the offices of the local Conservative Association in Purley each month. His “surgery” last Friday lasted barely 40 minutes.

Ottaway has been MP for Croydon South since 1992, but he has never moved home to the constituency. In the week of the Croydon Riots in 2011, Ottaway left town to go off on a sailing holiday.

Despite representing a London seat, throughout his parliamentary career, Ottaway consistently made claims from the public purse for a second home, amounting to around £140,000 between 2001 and 2009 alone. He was made a knight in the recent New Year’s dishonours list, which the Daily Mail described as an example of “Cronyism and low-level corruption”.

Yesterday, he excused his wasting of police time to prevent constituents attending his regular MP’s surgery by saying, “One person had made an appointment and I discovered by accident in the afternoon that she had invited an unknown number of people to join.

“We are quite sensitive about security nowadays.

“A couple of my Parliamentary colleagues have survived attempted murders at their surgeries and we don’t give appointments to people if we don’t know who they are. It’s as simple as that.

“I let the person who had made the appointment in and the rest stayed outside.

“I notified the police as per the guidance on security for MPs. It is a perfectly straightforward security thing. Any one of those people can make an appointment to see me.

“If I discover than 10 unknown people are to descend on my surgery, I will be notifying the police in the future.”

Today at Westminster Hall, Sir Tricky Dicky has an adjournment debate about the multi-million pound losses at the Croydon NHS. Ottaway neither lives in his constituency nor listens to his constituents, so it is unclear on whose behalf Ottaway is acting in parliament today.

Perhaps the Daily Mail had a point?

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News, views and analysis about the people of Croydon, their lives and political times in the diverse and most-populated borough in London. Based in Croydon and edited by Steven Downes. To contact us, please email inside.croydon@btinternet.com
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3 Responses to I might have been murdered, claims Croydon MP Ottaway

  1. jcb76 says:

    Reblogged this on Trade Onion by Jon Bigger.

  2. derekthrower says:

    Always seems to find time to support Andrew Mitchell in the media unlike dealing with his parliamentary duties. Must therefore be worried that the Police are going to frame him also. The mind of Sir Dicky Ottaway.

  3. Pingback: The Ottaway story keeps on running! #CroydonSouth #Croydon | Trade Onion by Jon Bigger

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