Cinema campaign group raised £500 with free screenings

Two free screenings over the Christmas period at the Croydon Clocktower’s arthouse movie theatre, the David Lean Cinema, where those attending were encouraged to give their entry price over for charity, raised more than £500 for two local good causes.

Cash totalling £557.73 was donated, with a cheque for £500 given to the Croydon Refugee Day Centre.

In addition, 12 bags of food and toiletries were collected, going to Purley Food Hub.

Peter Hall, of the day centre, wrote to the David Lean Cinema campaigners who staged the charity screenings, “Please do pass on our thanks to everyone who was involved in making this happen.”

Steve Hunt at the Food Hub said, “We will be able to use the money to buy our next batch of pre-paid bus tickets to give to clients who would otherwise be walking home with their heavy food parcels, and also to buy fresh bread and fruit for clients coming to us in the following week, plus two or three tubs of baby formula milk.”

For more information on the work of the Purley Food Hub, click here.

For more news about the Croydon Refugee Day Centre, click here.

And for the latest screenings and ticket booking news at the David Lean Cinema, with special price reductions introduced this month, click here.

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3 Responses to Cinema campaign group raised £500 with free screenings

  1. The David Lean Cinema and everyone who works for it, in whatever capacity, deserves the highest possible praise. It is a remarkable institution with a remarkable history and is unique: welcoming efficient, cosmopolitan, intellectually probing and curious, comfortable, ungreedy and a joy to visit. Of all the unsung heroes of greater Croydon Adrian Winchester is probably the most unsung and the most deserving of praise – shared by his great crew.

  2. Adrian Winchester says:

    Arno – many thanks for your very kind and appreciative words in relation to the cinema and myself, but I should say that since ceasing to be Chairman in September 2017, my input has been scaled down considerably, so I’m not due any of the credit for the committee’s commendable charity initiatives described above.

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