Council opens Book of Condolences for Queen Elizabeth II

Croydon Council’s press office has this morning issued this statement from Councillor Alisa Flemming, the civic Mayor of Croydon:

London remembers the Queen: Piccadilly Circus last night

“Her Majesty the Queen touched the hearts and lives of millions of people across the world, including here in Croydon where I know our residents will share my own sadness at her passing.

“Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with her children, the Royal Family and everyone affected by her loss.

“She will be deeply missed by so many people. Many of us remember her visits to Croydon throughout the years, from the opening of Croydon College in 1960 and The Queen’s Gardens in 1983, to her last visit to Addington Palace and The BRIT School during her Golden Jubilee Tour in 2002.

“I will be writing to send official condolences to the Royal Family on behalf of Croydon.

“We will be joining the nation in 11 days of mourning and as a mark of respect, we have lowered the flags outside Croydon Town Hall to half-mast. A Book of Condolences will be opened in the Town Hall.”

In fact, according to Croydon’s other Mayor, Jason Perry, “the Book of Condolences is open for the public to sign in the Braithwaite Hall (Croydon Clocktower) until 8pm today, with further opening times being confirmed in due course”.

Mayor Perry is also encouraging the public to leave flowers by the flagpole outside the Town Hall.

Perhaps a better way of “commemorating” the death of the unelected monarch would be to use any money that might otherwise be spent on forecourt flowers – and which at best will be ditched in a composter in a matter of days – is to make a donation to a local charity or cause which is helping those in need around the borough.

We would suggest…



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6 Responses to Council opens Book of Condolences for Queen Elizabeth II

  1. Ian Kierans says:

    When we lived in Westminster my grandparents used to take me as a child to St James Park for a picnic and to see the Household Guards and the Palace. As a young adult it was her words that led me to enter into public service and also support the local community. I have never regretted that decision or the sacrifices made.
    Not just a great Queen but a great person and a great inspiration to so many.
    May her legacy and inspiration live on and inspire future generations.
    We have not lost a truly wonderful person and Queen while we can remember her beliefs and continue to uphold those values. Her examples will shine on in her successors and her people

  2. Let us hope they build a fountain at Queens Gardens or statue of some kind.

  3. Bob Hewlett says:

    Some headlines from recent history:

    Revealed: Queen lobbied for change in law to hide her private wealth

    Queen secretly lobbied Scottish ministers for climate law exemption

    Just two examples of what “an inspiration to so many” is in reality.

    Her examples will indeed shine on, or not, through the many opaque and secretive tax havens, shell companies and the like that exist today.

    Just saying.

    • The facts you present cannot be disputed but if you exclude the Sovereign Fund most of the Queen’s wealth was inherited. Conversely, King Charles I took and plundered from the people for his personal gain and was executed as a result. Life is about give and take, and I would say Elizabeth II gave back far more than she took. An example would be that she did not need to give back the Commonwealth countries, otherwise Britain would easily be the no.1 superpower in the world right now and contrary to what people say, i believe the world is less racist as a result. I am not a fan of the Monarchy, but she will be remembered as loved and worshipped all over the world for centuries to come.
      On the other hand, people exposed by Inside Croydon like Jo Negrini, Tony Newman, Ross Gentry etc never served the people and preferred to line their own pockets instead. This has indirectly destroyed the dreams of many and for when the mentioned eventually pass away the public will never care for them. In fact, I can see their tombstones being defaced tbh.
      It would be nice to be both, but if one had the choice, would it better to die loved or wealthy? Loved is the answer. Queen Elizabeth II RIP

  4. Martin Rosen says:

    The unelected Queen was a source of inspiration for many, and was a hugely important and beneficial asset to Britain throughout her reign. She is a great loss to the country.

    How sad, then, that the unelected civic mayor – she who presided over Croydon’s disgraceful episode of having ‘her’ department found “not fit for purpose” by Ofsted inspectors and yet surviving (on Newman’s instructions} a vote of no confidence in Council – that she is the one to represent Croydon to the Royal Family on this occasion.

    • But Martin: Flemming is elected, as a councillor. The Trumptonesque mayoral is a Buggin’s Turn gig divvied up annually among the majority group (or until 2026, with NOC, between the Croydon political duopoly).

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