Labour Party forced to halt second Croydon selection process

VOTING FRAUD SCANDAL: Plans for nominations of candidates and announcements ahead of next May’s London Assembly elections could be thrown into disarray as party officials step in again.

Guido Gotcha!: how the far-right Guido Fawkes blog has picked up on the story today

Officials at the Labour Party’s London regional HQ have been forced to halt a second selection process in just 24 hours, with the choice of candidate to run in Croydon and Sutton in next May’s London elections now also being “paused”.

It is less than a day since Labour officials intervened to cancel the planned parliamentary selection meeting for the new Croydon East constituency that was due to take place tomorrow.

Veteran political correspondent Michael Crick reported shocking allegations of “suspected fraud” and “allegations of large-scale tampering with membership lists” in Croydon East’s selection. “Several complaints already made to Labour national and London region HQs, especially over use of online votes,” Crick revealed.

The Croydon East selection had been using the online voting tool Anonyvoter, an IT system that had been acquired by Labour without any commercial tendering process.

Anonyvoter had been developed by Henson IT Solutions, a Croydon-based firm where Mark Henson is the managing director. London Labour had installed Henson, without any member vote, as treasurer of the new Croydon East Constituency Labour Party.

There are only two candidates for selection to become the Labour candidate in the London elections for the Croydon and Sutton super-constituency, and one of them is Maddie Henson. A Croydon councillor, she is married to Mark Henson and describes herself as “owner of Henson IT Solutions” – the same company which supplies the Labour Party with Anonyvoter.

Mrs Anonyvoter: Maddie Henson describes herself as the ‘owner’ of the company that supplies the online voting system

The Croydon and Sutton selection was being conducted using Anonyvoter, with ballots due to be distributed to members today and a voting deadline on Monday.

Instead, Labour members received the following curt message from a nameless official at London Labour: “Following receipt of complaints about the Croydon East selection process, the Party has taken the decision to pause the process in the GLA Constituency of Croydon and Sutton while those complaints are investigated.

“We will provide further information in due course.”

Seasoned Labour officials and party-watchers were left astonished by this latest turn of events, even by the standards of Croydon Labour, which under the influence of Blairites Tony Newman, Steve Reed and Alison Butler, has been in a state of constant turmoil and crisis for several years. It was David Evans, now General Secretary of the Labour Party, who oversaw Croydon Labour’s local election campaign in 2014.

The consequences of today’s decision could yet impact the 2024 London-wide campaign.

One source highlighted how London Labour has still to conduct its selection of “list” candidates for the Assembly elections – and that this might prove to be impossible without the use of a trusted and functioning online voting system.

“The implications of all this could cascade all over London,” one source said. London Labour were expected to reveal all their May 2024 candidates in a photo op with London Mayor Sadiq Khan to be staged on December 5, just 11 days away.

“Was this really the best voting system available, or just the cheapest?” another asked about the use of Anonyvoter.

“Given all the problems and controversies surrounding it, it really seems like it’s something David Evans picked up out the back of Del Boy’s van.”

Read more: Newman Numpty Henson allowed to run for Assembly selection
Read more: Labour cancels Croydon selection after voting fraud claims
Read more: #TheLabourFiles: MP Reed, Evans and the Croydon connection
Read more: The fix is in: Labour excludes members from Croydon selection

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10 Responses to Labour Party forced to halt second Croydon selection process

  1. David White says:

    I believe Labour got Anonyvoter for free. It was worth every penny.

  2. Andrew Pelling says:

    It is unusual for a candidate to also be the owner of the organisation operating as the returning officer in that candidate’s contested election.

    • Andrew Pelling says:

      One must presume that those who thumbs down the above are from Croydon Labour and support corrupted governance and who can’t distinguish between candidates and returning officers in elections.

  3. Haydn White says:

    As comrade Stalin said ” it does not matter what people vote for what does matters is who does the counting ” I might be wrong of course but it seems the Labour hierarchie want to make sure that the “right” person wins.

  4. How many other candidate selections have been fixed by the Labour stitch-up merchants using the Anonyvoter system?

    In June 2023, Beth Winter, Labour MP for Cynon Valley, was edged out of the selection for the new constituency of Merthyr Tydfil and Upper Cynon. The right-winger Gerald Jones won that battle, allegedly with help from the party apparatchiks and the “totally opaque” Anonyvoter system.

    In November 2022, Ian Byrne, Labour MP for Liverpool West Derby, finally won a long-running battle against the Stalinist Starmerists who’d tried to depose him. A few months before he emailed local party members about the reselection process:

    “These meetings took place via Zoom and required pre-registration. Members were
    asked to cast their vote via the Anonyvoter system, with ballots being sent out
    electronically after the Reselection meeting had taken place, with the vote remaining open until midday the following day.

    I have been inundated with messages of concern from members who believe they
    were denied their democratic right to participate in the process for various reasons.”

    In October 2022, the Sam Tarry, Labour MP for Ilford South, lost his bid to stand again in the next General Election. He smelt a rat in the deselection process that removed him, and said “in order to be assured of the integrity of the result I am asking the party to share with me the full information of who cast electronic votes, by what method, and when they were cast, which I understand is available in the ‘anonyvoter’ system.”

    The common thread here is suspicion that “anonyvoter” is neither anonymous nor fair, and regardless of that, those using the software believe that the ends justifies the means and can’t be trusted with party democracy, let alone the local government and parliamentary versions.

    Whether you support Labour or not, we need answers to the questions on how they choose candidates for elections. If they’ll stitch up their own members, think what will they do to everyone else if they gain power by foul means

  5. Matthew p says:

    Ah… Labour infighting… as sure as Summer follows Spring…

    If Labour were a 400m relay team, they would be arguing about the colour of the baton and who receives the baton WHILE the race is running! SMH.

  6. Anthony Miller says:

    It’s worse than that…. If you pootle over to Companies House… Maddie is also a director of Henson It

    According to this site questions were asked at the time about Anonyvoter… Including why the NEC wasn’t consulted in process where there was no competitive tendering?

    Bits of paper anyone?

    Next week on How hard can you make Counting to 200…

    • Owner trumps director, Tone (and it gave us an excuse to use Maddie’s Twitter account, where she’s blocked Inside Croydon. Or so she thinks…).

      And the Skwawkbox thing? It admits it pretty much entirely lifted from … iC.

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